Ever wonder what day of the week you were born? Well, you can find out from your date of birth.
Anthony was born on 1-May-1969. Find the day of the week he were born?
From the above calculation. Anthony were born on Thursday. Thursday was derived from 'Thūrsdagr', which literally means Thor's Day. The day named after the Norse god Thor (God of Thunder).
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Calculator & Image Source: Easycalculation.com
Day of Birth Calculator |
Anthony was born on 1-May-1969. Find the day of the week he were born?
Find the Day of the Week you were Born |
From the above calculation. Anthony were born on Thursday. Thursday was derived from 'Thūrsdagr', which literally means Thor's Day. The day named after the Norse god Thor (God of Thunder).
Calculator Link: Day of Birth Calculator
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Calculator & Image Source: Easycalculation.com
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